Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No Excuse Tuesdays and Friends in Distress

Tuesdays don't have an excuse.  Mondays--well, they're MONDAYS; Wednesdays are Hump Day; Thursdays are almost FRIDAY; and Fridays--well, you get the idea.  I think Tuesday's are the hardest day of the week to deal with. 

I met with my accountability friends last night.  It was a very, very difficult night.  Recently, Melissa asked if Cari could join our group.  Of course, I said, "Sure!"  Cari is a brand new, baby Christian.  Cari lost a her 2- year old son two and a half years ago in a horrible camping accident.  I know that if I lost a child, I might as well die with them.  Cari's pain is still so raw and so exposed.  And she's so angry with God--a God that she's come to believe in recently.  Her pain is so deep and searing that she doesn't want her baby to be in heaven with God--the God who allowed this to happen--or even caused it to happen.  She'd rather him be a star in the heavens.  I cried all the way home.  I wept and begged God to intervene, to heal, to show Himself to Cari.  And I trust and KNOW that He will.  But she's got to get to a certain place for that to happen.  And I'm not telling a grieving mother that her thoughts are wrong.  God will deal with that.  He's a big God. 

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