Thursday, June 30, 2011

Portals and Demons

I've never watched The Exorcist and I never will.  Unfortunately, however, recently I did watch Paranormal Activity.  OMG. 

Demonic movies scare me.  Give me vampires, werewolves, zombies and aliens.  They don't scare me because they don't exist.  Demons exist.  And their sole purpose is to do the work of the Great Deceiver.

On a side note, I do feel incredibly uncomfortable watching movies that don't offer any hope or redemption or movies that ignore God's perspective on who we are in Him; in Christ. 

So...back to portals.  I believe absolutely and without question that there are "portals" in our lives that invite the demonic influence.  But I also know without question that the "demonic" does not always look "demonic"--as portrayed in movies and print.  The Enemy is very clever and very insidious.  He can make something that is very destructive seem very harmless and enticing. 

Lets see if I can define what I see as a portal.  A portal is anything we have in our lives that does not honor God, draws our attention away from God, or is a distraction from God and which allows the Enemy to seep in and begin to steal, kill and destroy relationship with God, family and friends.  Excesses, addictions, pornography are a few I can think of just off-hand. 

I know someone who bought an i-pad.  That #%@# i-pad has become this person's obsession (portal).  Instead of spending time with their family, friends or even just with himself/herself, this person spends every waking moment doing something with that #%@# i-pad.  To me, that's an obvious addiction--distraction--from God, family and friends.  I know because I've been affected by this person's devotion to their #%@# i-pad.  I miss them.  I miss what used to happen between us before the i-pad.  We used to talk.  We used to solve the world's problems.  We used to just enjoy each others company.  I've been robbed.  And here comes the "insidious" part of it.  This person has no idea what's happened.  I'm not sure they WANT to know.  And there you have it.  Spending time with that #%@#  i-pad seems harmless and fun to them...after all...they're still in your presence, still hanging out, still "available", but THEY'RE NOT!!!  The Enemy has infiltrated and stolen, killed and destroyed relationship.  That's his goal, his aim, his purpose.  I will confront this person eventually--after I'm done being mad.  And that too is in the Enemy's design.  Aaaaaaargg! 

Recognize the portals and close them.

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